Saturday 28 March 2015

Happy Weekend!

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!!

This past week has been a busy one. This is what the grade 4 to 10s have been up to in French:

Grade 4s: students are working on discussing their likes using "J'aime." Also, students are starting to use spring vocabulary in their everyday discussion of the weather.

Grade 5s: students are working on reviewing their knowledge of present tense verbs. Students have a quiz on Monday on verbs ending in -er. On Tuesday, students will have a quiz on -ir and -re verbs.

Grade 6: Students are reviewing their knowledge of etre and avoir as well as when to use each verb in various French contexts.

Grade 7/8: Students are presenting their summative assignments on the monster movies they created. Next week, they'll be watching a monster movie in French: Godzilla. While doing so, they will be analyzing the movie, making comparisons and investigating the design of monster films.

Grade 9/10: Students are reading and discussing the various make-ups of families. Students are also beginning their presentations on their families using any technological presentation tool.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Stylistic Devices

Attention Grade 10s, here are the different types of stylistic devices in French. Please use this to complete your poetry assignment!

Un mot qui a un sens opposé a une autre (contraire)
Ex : Beau et laid. Grand et petit. Gros et mince

Le Contraste
Opposition entre deux choses.
Ex. Le sang rouge sur le tapis blanc.

L’énumération est une série de mots de la même nature ou de la même fonction se rapportant à un même terme.
Ex. Sur ma pizza il y a des poivrons, des oignons et des champignons.

Une figure de style consistant a exprimer une idée à l’aide d’expressions exagérées afin de la faire ressortir davantage.
Ex. Verser des torrents de larme. Je suis morte de soif. Il l’aime à la folie.

La Métaphore
La métaphore est essentiellement une comparaison qui se fait sans l’aide de mots tels que : comme, semblable, pareil, etc.
Ex. Le printemps de la vie. Fondre en larmes. Brûler de désir. Cet homme est une tortue.

Mot dont le son imite l’objet qu’il représente.
Ex. Le tic-tac de l’horloge. Le glouglour de la bouteille, boum, crac.

La Personnification
La personnification attribue des actions humaines à une chose.
Ex. Néron fut la personnification de la cruauté. Il est la personnification du courage. Le soleil a réveillé l’homme en vidant sur lui sa lumière.

Le Proverbe
Vérité d’expérience, ou conseil de sagesse pratique et populaire commun a tout un groupe social.
Ex. Vouloir, c’est pouvoir. C’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron.

Le Synonyme
Se dit de mots ou d’expressions qui ont le meme sens ou une signification très voisine.

Ex. Personne et individu. Fatigué et épuisé. Voiture et automobile. Magazine et revue. Antonyme et contraire. Ennuyer et embeter.

Friday 27 February 2015

Hello parents, students, teachers and the greater SJA community,

Welcome to my new blog!!!

My name is Ms. Husain (many call me Miss H!). I recently became the grade 4-10 French teacher at SJA in December 2014. I used to teach French and JKA at SJA before leaving to complete my Masters degree last year. I am SOOO excited to be back!

On this blog, you will find a regular update of:

-Posts about the different classes
-Daily activities
-Photos of exciting activities and events in class
…and so much more!

I welcome you with open arms to read my blog, provide feedback or ask questions about French or your child's progress in French. 

I am always available through email. My email address is 

Also feel free to contact me during school hours from 2:45 - 4:00 pm.

Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see you all in school next week before….

Image result for march break!


Miss H.